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Join us

Aegis the Union advocates for workers' rights in the financial sector, ensuring employees have a voice within their workplace.

With a recognition agreement with employers, Aegis helps members receive the rewards, respect, and recognition they deserve.

Protect yourself for just £6.50 per month

Joining a union empowers employees to collectively negotiate for fair pay, better benefits, favorable working conditions, and support with work-related issues.

Sign up form

Sign up process

Joining the union could not be easier. Just follow our simple steps below.

  1. Complete the sign up form – Complete the simple form with your personal information and employer details.
  2. Paying for your subscription – There are two ways you can pay; by card or directly by your employer (if a collective agreement exists) from your monthly salary. If by card, you will be prompted to supply your card details.
  3. Receive email & member access – You’ll receive an email telling you how to gain member access to the website. A membership pack will follow in the post which will include your Aegis membership number.

Please note: You must be a union member for a minimum of three months before we can act on your behalf or assist in any workplace disputes you may face.