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Meet the team
Aegis Full-time officers

Brian Linn
Brian has been at the helm of Aegis since 2010 and at full time Trade Union Officer since 2005.
He plays a pivotal role within the union, leading on strategy, implementing our policy and managing our resources.
Career highlight: Working with the former Deputy General Secretary, Fiona Steele, Brian designed and delivered a strategy to support Aegis' transition from a single employer staff association to an independent, TUC and STUC affiliated union which now represents all our members today.
Representation: Brian is on the TUC General Council, TUC LGBT+ Committee, GFTU Executive and Scottish Union Learning Board.

Ricky Markham
Ricky’s Aegis path began in 2012 when he was nominated as a rep, attending all Divisional Committee meetings. He was elected to the Central Council and then years later, to the National Council.
His role is to support the work of the General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary and ensure good communication between the union and its Aegon members.
Career highlight: He recently tabled a motion to the STUC conference in Dundee, to protect the e-disadvantaged from the mass closures of bank and post office branches. He has also raised a motion on AI at the TUC LGBT+ Conference.
Representation: Sits on the STUC LGBT+ Committee

Ania Lomax
Ania has been involved in union activity since 2008. She was Assistant General Secretary for our Yorkshire Building Society Division for 10 years before taking over as Deputy General Secretary from Fiona Steele in May, 2024.
Ania’s role is to support the General Secretary and to help lead the day-to-day management and operations of Aegis the Union.
Career highlight: Transferring YISA (Yorkshire Independent Staff Association) into Aegis the Union, in 2014, ensuring the Union at YBS was totally independent from the employer and continuing to provide a high level of support and benefits to members. Other highlights have been taking on the role of the Chair for the Alliance for Finance, as well as stepping up into the role of Deputy General Secretary.
Representation: Chairperson for the Alliance for Finance.

Brian McDaid
Brian has had a deep-seated passion to support individuals who may not otherwise have a voice in society and advocate for their rights and well-being since a very young age. He became a union rep and has never looked back since.
Brian's role is to support the work of the General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary and to ensure good communication between the union and its Skipton Building Society & Computershare members.
Career highlight: Brian recalls many proud moments over the years, from supporting many individuals through many difficult personal situations, to achieving successful outcomes in collective situations with employers, in particular, pay negotiations.
Representation: Yorkshire & Humber Regional TUC – Councillor for Skipton Town Council

Steve Crotty
Steve has worked for Yorkshire Building Society for 17 years in a variety of roles and became a union rep in 2014. He was promoted to Assistant General Secretary in May 2024.
His role is to support the work of the General Secretary and Deputy General Secretary and ensure good communication between the union and its YBS members.
Career highlight: Leading his first pay negotiations to a successful outcome this year - as well as protecting members benefits from change in 2022 during a long negotiation process.
Representation: On numerous committees within YBS, including the Health and Safety committee.